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Boosting Gender Diversity in Construction


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The Challenge

Peab faced a stark gender imbalance with a notably low female representation in their workforce. This situation reflects a broader struggle within the construction industry, which is traditionally male-dominated. The presence of entrenched gender roles and the absence of female role models in the field are significant barriers that prevent women from considering careers in construction.

"Confronting the gender imbalance within construction isn't just a necessity; it's an opportunity to innovate and thrive. At PEAB, we're not just building structures, we're building a diverse future, and this means dismantling barriers that have held back talented women from joining our ranks."

Anita Florén, Head of Recruitment & Employer Branding at Peab


Peab AB - A Leading Nordic Construction and Civil Engineering Company


The Objective

Peab, building upon a history of successful outcomes with Adway's expertise, aimed to shatter the industry's gender norms by employing Adway's automated social recruitment marketing. This advanced technology precisely targeted untapped female talent pools, propelling Peab's "Construction Year" program beyond traditional outreach methods and facilitating the entry of women into construction roles, underscoring Peab's dedication to an inclusive workforce.

"Our partnership with Adway reflects our ambition to lead with cutting-edge recruitment technology, targeting the untapped well of female talent. It's about precision in our approach and boldness in our actions. With Adway's automated social recruitment marketing, we are not just reaching out, we are reaching right – to those women who are a perfect match for PEAB."


Anita Florén, Head of Recruitment & Employer Branding at Peab



Adway's Strategy

  • Candidate Journey Mapping: Adway charted the candidate journey to tailor the campaign to potential female applicants for the "Construction Year" program.
  • Content Development: Leveraging expertise in targeted content, Adway crafted compelling messages aimed at engaging women and addressing the gender gap.
  • Ad Distribution Strategy: A meticulously developed strategy ensured maximum visibility of the program, reaching the right audience effectively.
  • Employer Branding: Through a partnership with PEAB, Adway developed a robust employer branding strategy, positioning PEAB as an inclusive and progressive workplace.


The Results

Adway's targeted advertising campaign reached over 276,000 unique individuals, generating more than 900,000 impressions. Remarkably, between 86-95% of the applications were by women, a testament to the campaign's resonance with the intended audience.


unique individuals reached, creating a fresh new pool of talents.​


of the applications were from women


views on the campaign, boosting PEAB's brand and positioning them as an inclusive, sort-after employer

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Adway's partnership with Peab has set a new precedent for hiring practices in the construction industry. By creatively overcoming traditional barriers and utilizing targeted digital marketing strategies, they have opened the door for many women to enter and enrich the construction workforce. Peab's "Construction Year" program is poised to continue, with the ambition that its success will inspire further action across the industry to embrace gender diversity.

"The overwhelming response to our 'Construction Year' program is a testament to what can be achieved with innovative thinking and the right partnerships. Looking ahead, this initiative is merely the first of many steps we are taking towards a more equitable future in construction. With continued commitment, we will set new standards for diversity in our industry."


Anita Florén, Head of Recruitment & Employer Branding at Peab


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